Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Country Has the Hottest Military Babes?

Well Duh! Wake up and smell the Mandelbread

Does Daily Kos hate Israel? Does the American left-wing despise the Jewish state? I don't really know. This is, in part, because we constantly receive mixed signals. This diary, the same one that DKW referenced in his recent post, represents an excellent example of this.

Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is just about the most offensive thing anyone can do viz-a-viz the Jewish people. Aside from being patently, and obviously, false, it is a way of using the most horrific experience of the Jews as a weapon against them. And, yet, there it sits on the largest liberal political blog in the United States, if not the world.

Hate to Say I Told You So

Friday, September 4, 2009

Terrorstinian supporters on dailykos

Great post

"I live in San Francisco and during Operation Cast Lead there was a protest march to Civic Center. Now, I've participated in any number of anti-war rallies, maybe 10, or so, throughout the Bush years. However, when I attended the protest rally against Cast Lead I was met with a number of people holding up signs that blended the Nazi swastika with the Star of David."

That's how it is on dailykos.

Friday, August 28, 2009